
Below you will find a list of approximately 2,000 unpaid life insurance policies. The list of unclaimed insurance policies is the result of investigation into the archives of insurers. Details of unclaimed policies still found during the investigation will likewise be published by the Stichting. Do you recognize a name? If you have recognised relatives on this list and if you wish to submit to us a request for payment, then we kindly request you to provide us with the following details: Can you demonstrate that you are a rightful heir of the person on this list?

  1. You can be entitled if you are a relative to the sixth degree or if you are named in a testament. There are various ways of finding this out. The best proof of being related is an attestation of admissibility to the estate, drawn up by a notary. If you already have an attestation of admissibility to the estate, kindly send us a copy. If you do not have an attestation of admissibility to the estate, you can demonstrate your relation to the person by means of excerpts from the register of births, deaths, and marriages, etc.
  2. Finally, would you kindly indicate any other people who may be heirs to the estate of the policy-holder, so that we can contact them.

In short, we would like to receive as much relevant information from you as possible, so that the insurance payment can be settled as quickly as possible.

Investigations carried out during the last few years have revealed that in some cases names had unjustly been placed on the list of non-distributed insurance claims, since further investigation showed that the benefits had been paid out after all. For this list the reservation must be made that it is not absolutely certain that the policies on this list have never been restored and/or paid out.

Policies table

Last name First name Address Livingplace Geb. Dat. Ovl. Dat.
Aak Hartog Vechtstraat 58-III Amsterdam 02/06/1910
Aalsvel Erna Goeverneurlaan 115 Den Haag 04/02/1928 21/05/1943
Aalsvel Joseph Louis Bothastraat 25-I Amsterdam 05/05/1892 31/03/1943
Aalsvel Rosa Bosschestraat 23 Scheveningen 21/11/1922 15/10/1942
Aalsvel Salomon Goeverneurlaan 115 Den Haag 19/04/1893 28/05/1943
Aalsvel -Aalsvel Mietje Goeverneurlaan 115 Den Haag 22/11/1894 28/05/1943
Aalsvel -de Vries Hendrika Louis Bothastraat 25-I Amsterdam 12/07/1892 30/04/1943
Aandagt Maurice Tilanusstraat 78 Amsterdam 23/09/1933 12/10/1942
Aandagt Mozes Louis Bothastraat 4 hs Amsterdam 15/11/1894 30/09/1942
Aandagt Selma Louis Bothastraat 4 hs Amsterdam 17/11/1923 30/09/1942